Exploring gender and neurodiversity: Reduced androgen levels linked to autism-associated traits

Why have males been overrepresented among geniuses in STEM fields so far? A popular biological psychological explanation is the “Extreme Male Brain Theory” (EMB), which suggests that an overdose of prenatal androgen (male hormone) leads to the hyper-masculine brain type, characterized by a strong geek tendency and insensitivity to others’ feelings.

High-frequency electrical stimulation blocks spasticity to help paraplegics walk again

Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord is a promising strategy for reestablishing walking after spinal cord injury, recent studies show. But for patients suffering from muscle spasms, the stimulation protocols have a limited effect due to the unpredictable behavior of involuntary muscle stiffness related to spasticity. Muscle spasticity affects almost 70% of spinal cord injured patients.