According to researchers, seeing another person under stress can make one’s own body release cortisol, a stress hormone.
Man Goes Blind In One Eye After 40-Minute Nap: Here’s What Happened
The Florida native took a quick nap with his contact lenses in.
Hypertension Affects Nearly 50% Of Americans; Tips To Manage The Condition
”Our research has found that most Americans don’t know the normal or healthy range for blood pressure – yet strikingly, they think they do. And that is cause for serious concern,” Wändi Bruine de Bruin and Mark Huffman, said.
What Is Disordered Eating? One In Five Kids Around The World Affected
The behaviors associated with disordered eating are dangerous and can damage organs including the heart, brain, liver, and kidneys, Dr. Jason Nagata, assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California San Francisco, said.
First-Of-Its-Kind Smart Device Warns Users Of Vocal Fatigue, Potential Injury
The wearable notifies users whenever their voice needs a rest.
Why Parents Should Stop Giving Unnecessary Fever Meds To Their Children
A national poll recently found that parents may be unnecessarily giving their children fever-reducing medicine.
COVID-19 Patients Waking Up Unable To Move Face Become More Common: Report
Scientists looked at Bell’s palsy as a side effect of COVID-19 infection.
Scientists Create Smart Necklace That Can Help People Quit Smoking
“For many people who attempt to quit smoking, a slip is one or two cigarettes or even a single puff. But a slip is not the same as a relapse (going back to smoking regularly),” senior author Nabil Alshurafa said.
What Is Marcus Gunn Syndrome? Condition Causes Woman’s Jaw Muscles To Attach To Eyelid
The defining characteristic of this disorder is the involuntary movement of the affected eyelid in tandem with any movement of the lower jaw.
These Foods Get A Bad Rap But Are Not That Unhealthy
The American Heart Association says that all varieties of salt have the same sodium content.