Findlay crossed Mwami border at night

AN Immigration officer has told the Lusaka magistrate court that he was informed that Harry Findley, a Lusaka business executive crossed Mwami border in the night.
This was after one of the defense Lawyers Mr. Milner Katolo asked in cross examination if an immigration officer named Frank Michelo reviewed to the witness if he received information on Findley crossing the Mwami border.
Mr. Moses Chulu, 45, officer in charge of Mwami border testified that his colleague Mr. Michelo informed him that Findley crossed the Mwami border in the night.
In this matter, Findlay is charged with two counts of holding more than one passport and found with endorsements of forged immigration stamps.
Mr. Chulu also told the court that in September, 2022, he received an alert notice from headquarters office saying if he sees Findley trying to enter the country he should inform the security wigs or the police.
“I had called all officers from shift A and B, to ask them if Mr Findley passed that day on September 23, 2022 but all of them denied,” he submitted.
Meanwhile Ms. Selina Maziba, 28, also an Immigration officer at Mwami border told magistrate Sylvia Munyinya that Findley did not cross the border on September 23, 2022.
Ms. Maziba said Findley did not enter or exist the country on September, 23 2022 because she never saw him during her shift of duty.
“On September 23, 2022 I reported for work from 06:00hrs to 18: hours, I received an alert notice that if I see Findley crossing the border i should inform the officers in charge or the police. And on that day, he didn’t pass, I never saw him,” she said.
It is alleged, in count one, that Findlay on October 3, 2022, in Lusaka, did acquire a Zambian passport number ZP021382, purporting to have lost a Zambian passport number ZP013259, contrary to the fact.
In the second count, it is alleged that on the same date, Findlay was found in possession of endorsements of forged immigration stamps for Mwami immigration border control in his passport number ZP032178, purporting that it was officially endorsed when in fact not.
Magistrate Munyinya adjourned the matter to April 24, 2022 for continued trial.

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