The Basic Education Teachers Union of Zambia (BETUZ) has urged teachers countrywide to feel free to be affiliated to trade unions of their choice without interference from employers.

In an interview, BETUZ Director for Public Relations, Obby Chisala explained that, belonging to a trade union or not should be at one’s freewill and not through coercion by employers and supervisors.

Mr Chisala said, teachers should be free to belong to trade unions that will represent their interests in an appropriate and professional manner.

“As union they need to go out to teachers to circulate the manifestos particularly the products and services that they offer and it’s there where you convince them.

Along the way teachers they will look at quality of service delivery then they make choice which union they want to belong to,” he said.

Mr Chisala said those who think not belonging to a union cannot be forced by their superiors.

He said, teachers are adult and they need to do things according to their satisfaction.

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