Tanzanian truck loaded with Mukula logs impounded – as driver vanishes in thin air


POLICE in Isoka have impounded a truck laden with about 105 Mukula logs.

Muchinga Province Police Deputy Commissioner Ronald Zambo said the truck was impounded yesterday at Tuta village along the Great North road around 01:30 hours, after a tip from a concerned member of the public.

He said Police patrol team rushed to the scene and confirmed that the truck and trailer in question is a Tanzanian with registration number T926 DWR and container trailer registration number T387.

Mr Zambo further revealed that 73 logs were also found lying down on the ground near the truck.

However, Police did not find anyone as the place was deserted and are suspecting that the driver together with the loaders fled leaving the truck locked shortly before they [police] arrived.

The truck was later driven to Isoka police station where it is parked.

Investigations have been instituted and a manhunt for the suspects has been launched.

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