Nkana MP to protest state of Chibuluma road

NKANA Member of Parliament Binwell Mpundu has called on residents of Kitwe and Kalulushi to protest the poor state of the Chibuluma Road that has suffered neglect for a long time.
Mr Mpundu has complained that the Chibuluma road has remained in a state of despair despite government having promissed that the road was on the programme of rehabilitation.
Mr Mpundu has now officially notified the police over his intentions to start a peaceful protest procession over the poor state of the Chibuluma Road and the inertia by the Ministry of Infrastructure to address this problem despite the numerous promises.
Mr Mpundu said the protest was meant to demand affirmative action so that between now and the next rain season the road should be attended to because any delays would even reach the next rainy season.
“The public would recall that we have engaged the ministry over this matter for a countless number of times and almost a month ago on the floor of parliament the minister again made assurance which have not been supported by any actions since,” Mr Mpundu said.
Mr Mpundu said the protest was meant to tell the general public that they were expressing their displeasure through a peaceful protest tomorrow starting at 09 hours and the starting point would be the Nkana East Central Street traffic lights.
All those who feels affected by the poor state of the road can join the procession otherwise we will do a lone protest if others are not interested.

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