PATRIOTS for Economic Progress (PeP) president, Sean Tembo, has filed a petition in the Constitutional Court in which he has accused President Hakainde Hichilema of allegedly perpetrating regionalism and tribalism. 

He contends that the appointments in key positions such as the Judiciary, defence and Security wings, quasi government institutions and State House are regionally biased.

Mr Tembo stated that since Mr Hichilema assumed office in 2021, he has directly or indirectly acted in a way that sought to undermine and disadvantage the Northern and Eastern regions.

He has cited the Attorney General as the respondent.

According to the petition filed into court yesterday, Mr Tembo contended that the remarks allegedly made by President Hichilema on November 7, 2021, at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport that ” a clique of thieves has been leading off public resources from independence and don’t think another person can run the country in a better way ” was demeaning to his six predecessors. 

He stated that the said statement had regional connotations and did not promote national unity and cohesion.

Mr Tembo contended that the appointments at Permanent Secretary level and quasi government institutions such as Zesco were regionally biased.

He stated that the statement issued by the Minister of Health, Ms Sylvia Masebo on February 26, 2023 that the Head of State was unable to attend the Nc’wala traditional ceremony because he risked contracting cholera was an insult to the traditional leadership. 

He said cholera was a disease associated to dirty, unsanitary and unhygienic people. Mr Tembo is seeking a declaration that the demeaning remarks by Mr Hichilema against his predecessors do not promote and achieve human dignity, non-discrimination, equality, national unity and cohesion and are in breach of Articles 8(b),8(d),91(3) (c), and 92(2) (1) of the Republican Constitution and are illegal.

He is also seeking declaration that the appointments at the Ministry of Justice, Judiciary, Permanent Secretary level, quasi government institutions and State House are divisive to the nation and calculated to promote tribalism and regionalism, which do not promote unity and cohesion.

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