SENIOR Chief Nkula and Chief Kabanda have been sued in the High Court for allegedly encroaching on the lands belonging to the Mwenge Mando chiefdom of the Bisa people.

Chief Mwenge Mando whose name is Jonas Kangwa Chanda, has accused Chief Nkula whose name is Peter Mwila, of the Bemba people from Chinsali and Chief Kabanda (Dickson Chiluba), of the Bisa people in Shiwang’andu of also interfering with his chieftaincy.

According to a statement of claim filed in the Lusaka High Court, Chief Mwenge Mando stated that when his predecessor, Mr Malama- Nsunge died, on November 17, 2022, there was a year-long mourning period. 

He said it was during the mourning period that Chief Kabanda was appointed as caretaker chief.

Chief Mwenge stated that on November 28, 2018, he was installed as Chief Mwenge Mando in line with the Bisa tradition and custom of installation of a traditional leader.

Chief Mwenge Mando submitted that his chiefdom existed in Shiwang’andu before the Bemba’s arrived in the area and continued to exist, independent of any other chiefdom, even after their chief, Mr Nsunge died in 2017.

He however stated that Senior Chief Nkula and Chief Kabanda entered on his lands and continue to do so with the duo claiming that the lands therein belonged to them instead of Mwenge Mando chiefdom.

“According to the defendants, Mwenge Mando chiefdom does not exist and that the plaintiff was not Chief Mwenge Mando or even a chief for that matter,” he lamented.

Chief Mwenge Mando claims that the wrangles have made it difficult for him to concentrate on developmental issues in his chiefdom.

He is therefore seeking an injunction restraining Senior Chief Nkula and Chief Kabanda from encroaching on his lands and interfering with his chieftaincy.

He is seeking a declaration that Mwenge Chiefdom is a legitimate chiefdom. 

Chief Mwenge Mando also seeks the court’s declaration that he is the legitimate chief.

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