Lusaka District Commissioner Rosa Zulu has expressed concern over the poor waste management by marketeers and business owners in the central District.

Speaking when she led an ex-prisoners cooperative cleaning and fundraising exercise, Ms Zulu noted with great concern the manner in which the traders are dumping garbage along Freedom Way and other undesignated places.

She has appealed to all the marketeers and bus operators to ensure that they follow the waste management guidelines set by the council. Ms Zulu has warned that action will be taken against anyone who will be found wanting.

She has also commended the ex-prisoners cooperative initiative to help the government in ensuring a clean Lusaka.

“The new dawn administration attaches great importance to those that come on board to help the government in achieving its set goals,” said Ms Zulu

She also hailed the ex-prisoners for coming up with a cooperative adding that they have set a good example for other people.

She said this was good example for others to emulate adding that it presented hope for others as they would know that there is hope and they can start a new life.

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